So I've discovered I hate women (58)

25 Name: anon : 2008-11-20 14:20 ID:9l0LX2ts

#17 here... Wow, OP, wow. You assume so much. What my post was saying is that you are making assumptions about people that you don't necessarily know as true. Do you KNOW why girls reject you? I think that is the answer you need to hunt down. From reading your posts I see that you are an insightful and intelligent person, but you're also very hostile, perhaps jaded. Maybe when people initially see you they might see you as an interesting person, but then you send signals of hostility (or weirdness) that makes them turn away. Just a thought...

"There is also the strange way in which women operate according to who they find attractive according to masculine phoniness instead of genuine kindness, their need to always have the man act first, and their need to play games in the relationship instead of being upfront and honest about the whole thing. Men can be superficial at times but an asshole personality will diminish the beauty of women and make them unappealing to the man while for women, an asshole personality is seen as kinda sexy. Even those "decent guys" who are seen as dateable still have to maintain the facade of jerkiness at times just to get anywhere. Romance it seems isn't about actual romance but rather just a stupid game."

Okay, comment here. I do not know anything about games or behaviors, I don't have your level of observation. But I will say if I see a guy is a jerk, I run the opposite way. What I was saying was nothing about games, but what I assume if I see someone I find attractive. I automatically think he must be a superficial asshole who is not worth my time, even if he may be a really kind person. Its because I don't want to take the chance at being rejected. Assholes have confidence, which women like. But I don't go for the asshole, I go for the guy who is intelligent and cheerful and doesn't have to be fixed.

But last point: stop assuming, and hunt down the reason why girls are rejecting you. They aren't the only ones sending signals.

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