So I've discovered I hate women (58)

34 Name: AnonyGod : 2008-12-02 05:18 ID:UHSN1uti

While I thank >>29, >>30, and >>32 for their help, >>33 really catches some of my concerns well. I hate that women control this dating game, that they're so harshly judgmental of men who want to date them and won't meet their standards to the point that they rebuke them like they're not even people. They're so condescending towards socially awkward people or those who can't express their feelings right, that even the women who aren't really haughty or prissy, that I feel disgusted and the idea of actually having sex with someone who could be so cruel and condescending is an abomination. I hate how they like to judge men and act like they have the moral high ground with no qualifications whatsoever.

When you think of a woman's actual basis for selecting a mate which is confidence and that they'll always find the douchey alpha male type infinitely hotter than some normal confident guy who does have problems and isn't as confident as douchey alpha male, I can't help but think they're nothing more than animals who act like people but just expose them to anything resembling mating rituals or someone trying to ask them out and they'll become totally different people, obsessed with playing their stupid games and passing judgment on men, stringing them along without having the moral character to simply say you don't feel that way about him while he pines after you and you know it or acting completely oblivious to a man's emotional needs. What they lust for are superficial bullshit stereotypes of masculinity and not anything genuine. How they won't actually have the courage to tell how they feel and instead send intentionally deceptive mixed signals, definitely making someone feel like shit and like they don't matter to the woman. All this makes me feel violent as a matter of fact. If a woman could get away with cheating, I honestly think she'd do it without any remorse. And I know that if a woman ever cheated on me I'd hit her. It's not something I'm not exactly proud to reveal but there it is.

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