So I've discovered I hate women (58)

37 Name: anon : 2008-12-03 18:48 ID:svvVWGKu

I feel very disturbed by your issue OP, because guess what... I'm a woman! I am also offended by how you would classify me at the same level as an animal for absolutely no good reason. You are stereotyping, and judging. You are displacing your own personal issues on half of the population, and I take offense to this because you are displacing your issues on me.

This is like blaming Mexicans for not being able to find a job, or blaming bad schools on black children. Stop placing your problems on other people! Sure there are rotten women out there, but there are also rotten men, and you are one of them! Thank God I can distinguish good men from bad, decent men from assholes. Since you cannot discern bitches and whores from the rest of the female population you classify all of us as the same. Wake the fuck up, asshole!!

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