So I've discovered I hate women (58)

39 Name: anon : 2008-12-03 20:33 ID:svvVWGKu

#38, certainly there are, though you cannot tell. We are all anonymous, where race, sex, age, location and everything else cannot be determined unless the user reveals it. And even then the user can be lying. But I may as well say some general facts about me:
sex: female
age: 27
weight: 1281bs.
height: 65"
Occupation: College student (senior)
race: caucasian
religion: monotheist
class: lower middle class

I grew up as a poor, clumsy kid in California. Because I was teased constantly in middle school I developed social anxiety for many years. In high school I did very poorly and suffered from paranoia and constant depression. I never received any therapy or help for my condition, and no one showed me any concern. I barely graduated high school in 1999 and joined the Navy. Throughout my enlistment I grew very cynical and ambivalent about life in general. I was very resentful about people and grew to hate them. Once I got out of the navy I started going to community college and working. Once I was out of the navy and had freedom to do what I wanted with my life changed my outlook. I started making friends and started becoming happier. I had to battle with my own anxiety and depression for several years, but I've won that battle. Nothing is perfect but I'm about to graduate college, I have friends that are close to me and that I can go to whenever I need someone to talk to, and I even have someone to fall in love with.

OP and I have both been through a tough life but there is a vital difference: I don't blame anyone for the way my life is. I know it is what I do that determines the way my life is. It is the attitude I have, the choices I make and the way I respond the events that shape my destiny. OP blames women for the way his life is. Women aren't the problem, he is causing the problems in his life. In my life I could have blamed so many things: I could have blamed people in general, I could have blamed the class society, I could have blamed God, I could have blamed my mother, or my father, or not having any money. But I didn't blame anyone (except myself) and because of that I could change my life. Because OP blames women for his problem and cannot see past a person's gender he is losing the power to find the real problem and fix it.

Seriously, I'm a girl. I don't have the sophistication to play this game he tells me I'm so skilled at. I don't have time or interest to manipulate others. I think if I tried to I would make a fool of myself anyways. I'm trying to graduate college so I can get a good career and make my own living. What I look for in a guy is the characteristics I want in myself: confidence, good humor, intelligence, honesty, honor, but also someone who is humble. I don't want someone that is pretending to be someone he isn't, or thinks he is more then he really is. I want someone who is equal to me. Are those high expectations? Well, guess what? Even though I wasn't searching for anyone I found what I was looking for.

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