So I've discovered I hate women (58)

52 Name: AnonyGod : 2008-12-15 15:04 ID:UHSN1uti


I apologize for my rampant callousness earlier. Honestly I think I'm not expressing myself clearly enough here. Really I'm not looking for a relationship. But now my woman problem has to do with their attractions to men. A woman must be attracted to a man for his confidence and guts but a man, while initially attracted to a woman's looks, can grow to love her for who she really is and the looks become trivial. By extension a woman can even find serial killers sexier than someone normal who isn't spineless but doesn't have enough guts to go around doing crazy shit. Without that essential confidence, a man is just a friend to a woman.

My question is: Is a woman really looking for genuine love in a romantic relationship? Can she really grow to love him for who he really is? It would seem that in this need for confidence and not personality first, that romance for a woman seems something superficial and transparent, something not even romantic. I hear women say all the time that they've broken up with their boyfriends because they were "too boring," but not exactly spineless. They always want their man to be spontaneous. What is that? That seems so grossly insulting. So what is romance to a woman? Actual love or just cheap thrills?

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