Faggot professors? (11)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-03 08:29 ID:Z0JzwNgC

How do I deal with this constant barrage of male "professors" who like the cock? It's fucking irritating...

Last year I had a professor who taught phonetics. He was the most cum guzzling faggot ass you could imagine when it came to test questions.

This year I'm in a similar situation. I'm taking this class, and I knew it was going to be trouble on the first day when I heard him explaining concepts like frequency and period from acoustics that I know well, but somehow the way he was explaining it confused me!! In general I find it hard to communicate with the guy, and all of this was before I knew he was gay..

Now I finally confirmed that the guy is gay and it's making things really hard... like to put up with his faggot ass... I wish I could've not found out he was definitively gay until after the semester... but what can I do??? There's a couple weeks left, but I want to write him a scathing ass review on the course since he is NOT tenured... I need this asshole to pay for his sins both spiritually and academically.

Advices pls?

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