Faggot professors? (11)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-03 11:17 ID:Z0JzwNgC

I mean, I understand that homosexuals in academia are too common.. it's a massive problem with "liberal arts". Too much liberal, not enough arts.

In any event, I believe the two are related.

Some researchers have suggested that the size of structure of the brain referred to as the amygdala may have an influence on homosexuality. In straight men this structure is the smallest, in women it is larger, and interestingly in homosexuals it is the largest.

The amygdala helps us to quantify if a face is "male" or "female" and to adjust our lusts accordingly.

What I'm noticing, is that in the class of every teacher who is gay, they expect you to be able to identify with their homosexual urges by questioning the right answer on a written test by using misleading or unclear language. It is their job to write test questions that mean the same thing to every person. Homosexual professors fail at this.

How can I deal with this horrible, horrible professor and his faggot tendencies? "Shutting up" is not an option.

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