Losing myself - What do girls look for in a Guy? (53)

18 Name: cinnamonroll : 2008-12-12 01:39 ID:x94M+Qc9

Scotland, you're only 17 years old. There's no rule of the universe that says that you have to be in a relationship by a certain age or you're worthless. I'm 17 myself and I've never had a boyfriend. Sure, I'd like to have one, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it. I have the rest of my life to find the guy I want to marry.

I think maybe part of your problem is that you're so focused on finding a girlfriend that 1) you're ignoring opportunities in front of you, like the guy you mentioned earlier, and 2) probably some of that stress is showing to the girls that you like. Just chill out, enjoy what you have. From what I can tell, you actually have quite a bit going for you, you just need to appreciate it.

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