So girls should approach guys, eh? (96)

53 Name: OP : 2009-02-27 19:17 ID:5/M9MOFv


So Mr. Asshole, how should a woman approach you? Do you want her to be the one to ask you out? Or do you want her to slam you against a wall and start raping you? It sounds like what you want is to be the submissive one in the relationship. You want the girl to be the dominate one and to be the one that does the work.

In the real world that lies outside of the mind there is a give and take. Women do approach men, women ask men out, women sometimes pay the bill for the date, but we are not going to do everything. A woman is not going to just start making out with you and give you a blow job, you're going to have to ask first.

Let me tell you, the problem isn't every woman on the face of the earth. The problem you have with girls is caused by YOU.

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