So girls should approach guys, eh? (96)

56 Name: OP : 2009-02-28 07:20 ID:4wzGruyt

Ok, I'm going to see if I can understand where your coming from. What you see is a girl giving you a signal, and what you take from that is she expects you to approach her. She expects you to walk up and initiate the conversation. Am I correct or incorrect here? I'm just going to assume I'm correct and you can tell me if I'm wrong in a reply.

The problem with this is there are girls that don't expect you to walk up to them, they just want to see if you like them or not. If I was interested in a guy I would send a signal, which would actually be asking "I think you're cute, do you think I'm cute?" The response I'm looking for is just a smile and maybe a nod. If I get a smile I will go up to him and start talking to him.

My other option would be to tap him on the shoulder and start talking to him. His response is he could look at me and say, "hi", pause for a moment and then say to a friend of his, "excuse me, I need to use the restroom." Aka a polite rejection. I would feel humiliate if I approached someone like that and had them beat a hasty retreat. At least if I send a signal and he scowls at me the rejection is silent. So please inform me how a signal is being dishonest? I'm just seeing if a guy is interested in me or not.

Oh, and BTW, guys send signals too. Yup. Never had a guy tap me on the shoulder or just come out of nowhere and talk to me. They will do a gesture or a look that says that they are interested in me and look for my reaction. So this signal thing works both ways.

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