So girls should approach guys, eh? (96)

71 Name: OP : 2009-03-08 03:02 ID:PmJpmn2o

Wow, ignorance and blindness are rife with you. First of all you are totally forgetting the context of history. For the past several thousands of years women were expected to be completely submissive to men and take absolutely no initiative. Often times women couldn't even say no to an arranged marriage. Only since the sexual revolution of the 1960s could women really have any say in the realm of dating.

You're looking at a cultural shift here. We have only been able to take an active role in sex and dating in the past forty years. And things are changing, women are being more aggressive and communicating their intentions more, and yet culture changes slowly. Women are still expected to be passive, men are still expected to be the aggressive one that initiates. No it is not fair for either sex, but that's the way it is. It is shifting, but it's not going to change tomorrow.

I fully understand that the sexes should be equal and are not, but I accept that. Societies change slowly. I wish each sex approached one another equally, but that won't be the case for decades. Either you are going to have to accept the world as it is and play the game as it is or you should just label yourself a women hater. Ranting and raving about the circumstances of the world won't do you any good.

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