So girls should approach guys, eh? (96)

73 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-08 04:10 ID:ETtvFgZ8

Hey, I never said I was a woman hater. I said I despise this behavior of playing games and that anyone who utilizes it is essentially telling me they don't deserve respect. Likewise, any woman who labels me a pussy or less of a man because I refuse to play the game or because I think it's stupid can go straight to Hell too. Nevertheless, you cannot in any rational manner defend the game without admitting it for the bullshite it is. Granted as I've said before, I have had girls be honest with me about their intentions so the idea of me hating women is farcical. And it seems you got carried away some posts ago, ignoring the original complaint I've issued which is against the behavior itself and the notion of this behavior being acceptable.

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