So girls should approach guys, eh? (96)

78 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-08 22:50 ID:Heaven


Which is an entirely valid point- if you're just playing the game for the sake of playing the game, you're a retard, but like >>76 and >>77 said, it's basically the only way to start a relationship in Western society because we don't really do arranged marriages here. (I'm sure there are still some, but I have yet to hear of any.)


I actually dislike both genders of "players." I am female myself, and I don't want a guy to do every last little thing for me just because I'm a woman. It actually rather bothers me when he does- I can open my own car door, thank you. However, if he insists on paying, I won't stop him if that makes him feel better about himself, because hey, more money I get to keep. Shallow, possibly, but if all he can pay for is the dollar theatre and Wendy's, I'm fine with that too.

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