I'm 21 but look 17!! How to look older? (52)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-12 15:29 ID:QMOg4lkw

I'm a dude who's turning 21 in a months time and it looks like I haven't aged a day since I was 17...

A friend tagged an old picture of me on Facebook and it was shocking to see how little I've aged.

When I dress right..layers, collared shirts, long sleeves, wear contact lenses, do my hair right etc. I do look slightly older but I still look very young. I still have some babyfat in my cheeks and my face isn't as angular as I'd like it to be, weak jaw and only sparse facial hair...

It's really frustrating, seeing how some friends who had babyfaces in the past and looked kid-ish shed their babyfat and now they look older than me.

I've started working out to get (hopefully) bigger, and I'm working on getting more classy clothes that fit better as well...any other tips on how to shed the babyface? Short of getting plastic surgery.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-12 17:54 ID:qd9DtsST

shave less often?

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