Advice on dating woman (8)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-01 17:26 ID:YYGPlGj2

Uh oh, someone wants to start dating. I'm a girl and I would recommend as a place to start would be to go online to establish a connection. Go on a free dating website start engaging local people there. I know the internet might be a weird place to start dating but think about it, you can go to a website, look at profiles and pictures, and exchange emails and set up a date at a coffee place. Its a good way to start practicing.

The other way is to either make friends with girls, which could end up being a dead end or try learning how to flirt and asking girls out that you see as attractive in everyday life. If you are confident in yourself I recommend trying this as well, but this is often not the case.

I am biased to the internet because that is how my current relationship started, with an email. Of course you have the potential of running across weird people, but this is the same risk you have in real life. Good luck.

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