How does one stop being a 2D-con? (20)

15 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-17 18:38 ID:PAR4tal1

>>14 as for bragging rights, you life is in front of you, not behind you. If you want to brag about visiting France, then organize a trip to France. Actually, what would you like to be able to brag about? Being a cowhand? Think about it, and let us know.

In regard to your fake book knowledge, confront it with people who seem to you the MOST knowledgeable. It may seem intimidating at first, but that's how you improve it. Really take what you consider to be your fake knowledge, and confront it with the people that actually seem to know the most about it. A good point about the university is that usually there are plenty of people around you who can do that service to you. You say many people around you are more knowledgeable than you: great, you won't lack opportunities.

Try to be a bit more positive: you went to university to learn, not yet to teach. So it's normal that you feel like a newbie, don't you think? Relax, don't be so self-conscious, and enjoy your learning, which does not involve only reading books and writing essays, but more importantly requires having conversations and taking part in actions with the people that surround you.

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