How does one stop being a 2D-con? (20)

16 Name: nijikon : 2009-02-18 05:52 ID:TnKwP3aw

I wouldn't say I wanted bragging rights. I just think I have nothing interesting to offer people. I don't think I even have anything normal to offer people, really. I recently witnessed a normal girl conversation about shaving and 'landing strips', something I can vaguely imagine, but don't understand and refuse to look up. I had nothing to offer. The only reason I wasn't bored is because I didn't try to think of the conversation as something to enter. I saw as human behavior to be observed and wondered over: the female Homo Sapien in her natural habitat.

I suppose that sort of distance is part of why I consider myself a 2D-con. I don't really know how to get involved with people and end up studying them most of the time. I don't know how to connect with people, and am about to give up on that.

>15 people who seem to you the MOST knowledgeable

You mean teachers? It's funny; although I think most people and most conversations are boring, I find teachers immensely interesting. Definately more interesting than all the students. I'm probably the kind of girl who'd lose her virginity to a teacher, if only I wasn't clueless about how to seduce people and afraid of breaking taboos.

In case you mean people who are not teachers, then I guess I would take some effort on my part to find someone like that and to convince myself that they want to put up with all my questions.

>15 Relax, don't be so self-conscious, and enjoy your learning, which does not involve only reading books and writing essays, but more importantly requires having conversations and taking part in actions with the people that surround you.

Thanks, I am (was?) trying.

>11 I love Suzumiya Haruhi.

I can't stand tsundere girls. As for me, it is Nagato Yuki. Artificial humans and aliens all the way.

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