My univesity entrance exam has finished!!! (21)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-01 11:42 ID:xnBLq4xH

It was so hard to prepare for the exam and I got a litte worn-out.
But,from now on,I can study what I really want to do!
This is very wonderful!

Then,is there any advice on the campus life or what to do before entry to an university?
And,in edition,I want to ask what the high schools and entrance exams in western countries are really like.
I heard that in the U.K.,students can go on colleges when they are still 16 years old.
In Japan,we don't have the qualifications to apply to the exams
till we bocome 18 years old.TT
I envy the students in the U.K....

If you have any question about Japanese high schools or its sudents or so,I will answer if possible.

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