My univesity entrance exam has finished!!! (21)

7 Name: 1 : 2009-03-03 07:35 ID:xnBLq4xH

Such events you wrote may happen only in the world within my PC,but this is more than enough.
They say the more difficult we find it,the far more wonderful our loves become.
If so,no other loves can be more than ours for the beautiful girls who are beyond our reach forever...

I see that 16-18year-old students in the U.K. can't get degrees,but it's true that what they learn to get A levels are for the freshmen or sophomores in Japanese colleges....
Our curriculums in high schools are strictly defined by the Ministry of Education so teachers can never teach something beyond the level for high school students...though both teachers and students are interested in only preparing for the entrance exams so there is no problem.(^p^)

By the way,there is one thing I can't figure out.
You said students pick one subject for A levels,but you after all have to study various subjects in your university,don't you? For example,learning electromagnetism seems to extend your understanding in vector calculus.
Oh,of course,I don't know much about them,so this is only a view of the ignorant. Please forgive my ignorance...(>_<)
Then,what is the point of A levels?
To have perspectives to some extent on your major?

And I have one more question.
I've heard that in Japan,lectures of professors are too difficult for students to understand.
So they need to cooperate and study together for degrees.
If they didn't so,they never passed the tests.
Is this also tha case with Cambridge?
Or students can easily understand what professors mean and there are hot arguments between students and professors?/(^o^)\

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