College students: What's it like to live with a roommate? (22)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-10 20:37 ID:27+1jpWn

creepy civilian? dude, you're talking like it's the end of the world. living with other people isn't horrible at all and if anything, it'll help to improve both your social awareness and social skills. especially since you're going to graduate school, it's not like the people will be dicks to you if anything, they'll be too focused on what they have to do to care much or they will accept you for who you are. as for masturbating, if you're in the habit of doing it everyday, think of this as weaning yourself off such behavior. If you can't take it anymore, just do it when they're gone cause i'm sure that they're not gonna be in the dorm 24/7.

But in all honesty, dorming is probably the best thing you can do during your, for all intent and purpose, college life. Don't be so quick to dismiss living in a dorm, it's really not as bad as you're making it out to be.

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