Is there any way i can get my parents to mind their own business?? (4)

1 Name: Sean : 2009-04-15 12:01 ID:+0kyplAo

i was just perusing google, and just so happened to stumble across this forum, so i figured why not?

...Ok, this is an extremely frustrating issue for me...

So, like a lot of other people, i deal with a lot of issues in my life. i have a great support system in friends, and i am perfectly content with that.

But the moment i try to vent on a public medium, say facebook or myspace, i will have someone express concern and tell my parents about it, and in turn they will confront me about whatever the issue is.

Now, i understand, as a parent, one would feel obligated to talk to their child about the issue, because what's a worse feeling to have, than to know that my child is suffering from one thing or another? But, my parents don't understand me, nor do they understand my issues. They have no understanding, whatsoever, of the disorder i deal with, and it is quite frustrating when they interfere with my private life. (i'm not trying to cue the violin music here ... lol )

What i am trying to get my parents to understand is, i do not appreciate their interference in my personal issues. It only makes me feel worse. i enjoy my independence...i enjoy being left alone. i have told them numerous times in the past to leave me be when it comes to my issues, and should i feel compelled to talk to them about one thing or another, i would come to them. Yet they ignore my simple request and still come to me like desperate little superficial sheep.

i hold exponential amount of anger and hatred towards my parents, despite their (well from what i know at least) never doing anything to me abusively as a child. And i want them to just butt out of my life. i'm an older person (26 lol), and yes, i still live in my house with them like a loser (lol), but i have every intention of finding a new home when i actually have the financial ability to to solve this problem i have of being in that house. It just destroys my mentality daily to know after each day of work, i have to come home to the place that causes me the greatest amount of misery. (pleease do not cue the violin music lol)

So, as the title says/ there ANY way i can get through to my parents to just leave me alone? Again, i have asked them to do so already; repeatedly in the past, yet they ignore my wish. i wish they knew just how unwelcomed and frustrating it was to me to have them approach me about one thing or another, and what kinds of negative affects it has on me.

i thank any and all who take the time to read this! It's very much appreciated!

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-15 18:56 ID:KzG38333

The solution to your problem is very simple, and you already know it: you need to move out of your parent's home, and become financially independent. Nothing else will work, no need to try to fudge it.

Look, if I had a son/daughter, and s/he was still living with me at 26, it would be a huge problem that I just can't ignore, even if I tried. You can't simply ignore a person who lives in your own place, whom you need to feed and basically take care of.

You say you are 26, but age is meaningless in terms of autonomy. You have to prove your own through acts, not with a birth certificate. Also, I find your anger towards your parents totally displaced. Have you actually realized that they might wish NOT to have to still worry about you in such a childish way? Hating them is the most roundabout and coward way of channeling your own self-depreciation. Give them and yourself a break, and get out of your parents house, even if you go through an uncomfortable period for a couple of months, it's the only way for you to regain some self-confidence.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-16 14:40 ID:jJyiywFT

Actually, some parents can be overprotective. I know that when I moved out, and I had to deal with some issues (I'm not suicidal or emo, mind you, but I can have accesses of rage and such that might make people worry). I posted about this on my blog, which they shouldn't have been aware of. Just a few after, worried phone calls, you know, "yeah mom, ... , yeah mom, ... , yyyyyeah mom, YES MOM I KNOW". I checked the IP logs on my blog and what do I see? Numerous hits from my parent's house IP (which I happen to know). So they've been stalking me the whole time? What the fuck?

Since then, I know I can't use it as a venting media.

I agree with >>2, though - being out of the house may reduce the probability that they catch up on your problems; and will for sure make it less easy for them to comfront you.

Until then (and maybe even after then), you should stop venting on myspace or facebook or any public place where you might be identified. Yeah, anonymous boards are cool for that.

And anyway, always remember - it's your parents. They have the right to worry for you, even if they abuse this right sometimes.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-18 07:25 ID:DqWXvtKW

It's a bad idea to have anything personally identifiable on the Internet anyway. Myspace and all the rest of it are a bad idea.
Secondly, what do you need a house for? There's nothing preventing you moving out. Move to an apartment, rent, or house share. Do you work? If not... it's seriously about time you started. Or if you study, get a part time job.

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