Making money on the internet (16)

15 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-25 00:59 ID:h8APTFkh

Have you ever actually played poker? In practice, poker is infinitely closer to chess than it is to roulette. Of course there's luck involved in the short-term, but in reality it only serves the winning players by giving the losing players false hope and a reason to gamble with their money. Most of which will eventually end up in the better players' pockets. (And the cardroom of course.)

I'd say that almost anyone with a level head and the willingness to put in the hours not only into actually playing poker, but studying it and improving their game should be able to make a decent living off poker as it stands now. It's still hard work and you have to be in it for the long run, but it sure as hell beats slaving your ass off nine to five in my book.

Then again, if you have no clue about probability, psychology, etc. you might be better off sticking with submarine porn.

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