I am a failure (21)

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-21 02:50 ID:hoDi38aa

Some of the things you describe make me think of depression symptoms. Depression isn't just a small blues, it's something you should seek help for - I mean, you very possibly have an underlying problem that causes you to unconsciously fail everything you attempt; or at least to make you feel like nothing goes right, and such.

But yeah, life is hard, and if when you were a kid you got used to have it go your way all the time well... you're probably not very well prepared to face all its hardships. I know what I'm talking about... still, you have to keep in mind that everything is not that wrong, and some stuff will eventually go your way. You have to keep an eye open for this.

Seriously man, talk about your issues to your close ones, and maybe think about seeking help with a professional. Take care.

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