Unhealthy obsession (15)

12 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-31 23:01 ID:q7Niz29/

>My interests are reading, internet, and computers.

Reading: what kind of stuff do you read? Start by going to libraries. There you can borrow books, but they also have billboards advertising local activities (group outings, courses, etc). Some might inspire you. You can also talk with the librarians about events going on that might interest you based on your reading tastes. This goes for books, but also for music and other media.
Internet: What kind of sites/forums/etc do you spend your time in? The internet is a great tool to meet people. Check out social networking sites, your favorite forums and sites and find out who's close to you. Organize meet-ups where you can talk face to face and have fun. If you can interact over the internet, you can also branch that interaction IRL.
Computers: depends on your interests. If you are into linux (you should, if you like computers), then search for the LUG (Linux User Group) closest to you. You'll meet people sharing your interests, learn a bunch, and organize stuff to do together. But the same goes if you are into gaming. You can meet local gamers and organize gaming parties, etc (use local forums and social networking websites to find people close to you).

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