help; going insane (12)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-30 20:49 ID:za7ub5Bd

Ok, for some reason im getting a lot angrier, and a lot more moodier as time goes on. I keep telling myself that everyone goes through this and that this is normal. I'm pretty sure that getting angry to the point of almost hitting my sister and my mom isnt normal. Maybe its because i just sit and stay on the computer, or maybe its the fact that i have stress build up or something. I guess i need someone thats been through something like being angry for no reason, easily getting depressed, and almost getting into fights for something minuscule and help with some suggestions. much obliged.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-30 23:39 ID:6J2llRxv

You should consider doing sports, it can help regulate your mood. Try different sorts (lone sports, like running, biking or swimming, or team like volley-ball, soccer, etc). If you can get into it, it will really help you a lot. I know people who where basically saved through sport practice.

If that doesn't work for you, then I suggest you do more stuff outside of your house. Engage into group activities in clubs or other places. Less time at home = less chances to be violent with your family, and stimulation from other people can be uplifting.

Finally, you have to see why you are sinking into depression. If you identify the problem (where is your anxiety coming from), then it might be easier to correct it.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-30 23:52 ID:za7ub5Bd

thx, i guess i could try that stuff. I'm kinda already in a sport activities, if you count martial arts as a sport. thx for the advice though, the fact that i need to get outta my house is a given =P

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-31 08:04 ID:DIz0w4cD

Are you doing any sort of drugs or drinking alcohol? Also, how old are you?

That is true; exercise improves mental health.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-31 12:50 ID:zREc/6xf

>>2 sports is good point. I'd suggest regular runs and as well gym if you can afford the membership.
maybe try meditating. and more chillin.
could be as well, that if you are in your teenager years your hormones mess it up and the uber ultra horrible irritation anger comes out. Might be you just need to get your testosteron out :P

or find a girl who you wanna hit on and be gentle to..
or some other activities..
tell us more about yourself, op!

6 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-31 15:28 ID:za7ub5Bd

well, im 17, and no i dont take drugs or drink. >>5 i kinda wish i could get a girl but i cant. (not enough confidence to get a girl) i work out 3 times a week, but i guess thats not enough. I dont really know; i get straight A's, am in moderate health, have a little less than average social life, kinda a typical teenager. But still about to go insane. It's weird

7 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-31 16:45 ID:n5ZMyNk+

it's probably not that you are going insane at all from what it sounds like. it's more like you want to go insane just to do something the type of physical activity you are doing isn't the type you need it's too regimented and maybe boring you should do something more exciting like rock climbing, mountain biking, kayaking or playing paintball with people. It also could help to do something creative like playing an instrument like guitar or, drawing, or maybe poetry? you just need something to express yourself through or validate you own existence with.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-31 20:05 ID:zREc/6xf

>>6 umm.. maybe you need to participate some competitions to be motivated to work out harder and get some results from it. Maybe this is giving you pleased feelings :3

im sure you can get a girl if you really want to, give it a try when it happens :P

9 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-31 20:23 ID:za7ub5Bd

>>7 the martial arts place is anything but ordinary, its kinda like "whatever he feels like military training" its a little ridiculous how hard it is sometimes, its almost as intense as those other things. i might give those things a try, but im not really good with those creative things. >>8 i already participate in competitions in my martial arts class, it does give me a pleased feeling but it goes along with a hollow feeling, and i wish i could get a girl =\

10 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-31 21:40 ID:zREc/6xf

>>9 hello op!
dont worry, just give it some time, try to meditate and stuff. might happen you missing out relaxin, chillin, maxin :3
and dont worry.. u'll get the girl one day, im sure

11 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-31 22:48 ID:za7ub5Bd

thx everyone, its all really good advice. main thing i guess is me chillin =)

12 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-04 14:56 ID:Heaven

I had to check the date to make sure I wasn't OP

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