I Am Racist. (44)

23 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-23 02:49 ID:Iwd9Op3n


I loled.


sigh. Must be lonely at your parent's house, huh?

OP, I don't believe that you are racist. You just can't stand niggers and stupid people, not black people as a collective whole. I agree. DMX didn't know we HAD a black man running for president until he was told by a reporter. Niggerdom is the curse keeping black people down.

Though you have to realize that it's only been....200-220 years that black people have been "freed" by slave traders and about 40-50 years since widespread segregation stopped. It's obvious that many blacks growing up in America live in poor conditions which can be a cesspool of violence, much like how 3rd world countries develop. Blacks, as a whole, still have much more room to grow.

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