Do you believe in love? (63)

10 Name: Ryuuchi : 2009-06-11 03:10 ID:UVXWl9vU


It exists for others. It does not exist for me. Yes, you are quite right. I don't believe in love because I've seen both fail and success in love. It's something that I don't have in my mind quite often.

I apologize that my answers, explanation, etc. are vague. I'm trying the best of my knowledge and abilities.

I do not believe in love because I don't like to fall in love. I do not believe in love because I know that I will fail. I will only go to first base and I'm out before I reach to second base. Heck, I'll be out after three strikes instead. I don't believe it as I don't believe myself. I will purge my emotions and thoughts that leads to love. It's not because I refuse to do so, it's simply because I don't believe in love at all. It may sound that I am pushing it away from me and not retrieving it back forever but I guess it does. I guess I am pushing it away from me. I guess I don't to fall in love because the outcome is predictable. If I like a girl and try to do something that leads regarding in love, I know at a point I will fail. Maybe because it is based on how I talk, how I express myself. Maybe because they see me the way I am but no who I am. I am just tired of pursuing things in the name of love. Thus I don't believe in love anymore.
There is something the girls see that I don't. Even if I ask them, it will be pointless because it's something I won't understand. If I ask so that I can understand, they perhaps refuse.

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