Do you believe in love? (63)

43 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-25 09:27 ID:UOlKo9dj

That was an incredibly hard post to read, but I'll attribute it to your fever, lol. I agree for the most part of what you're saying, even though it is a slightly more romanticist viewpoint.

I find it rather pathetic that you're giving everyone advice about love, and yet you've decided to resign yourself to a lonely life, even though deep down inside you want someone to love you. It's not like you're 52 and lived the hard life. You're only 20(?), and have hardly done anything in your life. You just can't be bothered looking, trying, risking.

I don't think you have a right to sound so knowledgeable about love, when you've never experienced it yourself. I can put up with the vague bullshit that you write in your posts, but what annoys me most is that you acknowledge that you're hopeless, and yet you don't do anything about it. What are you trying to be? Some sort of good samaritan that gives advice to people to steer them away from "your world"? That is laughable. I think it's time you help yourself first, because I would never take advice from someone who has given up in life. But looking at your other threads, I'm thinking that you don't really like to follow up on advice do you? You prefer to talk big, and avoid doing actual work. For your sake, I honestly hope that you will realise that if you don't do anything now, you're gonna be in the same place 20 years later.

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