Do you believe in love? (63)

46 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-26 12:30 ID:UOlKo9dj

I think you misunderstand me. Sure, I am being brutally honest with Ryuuchi, but I believe it is in his best interest to hear it plain, with no frills. If you read his thread "What should I do in my life?" and posts in other threads, you might understand why I am particularly frustrated with him. He always gets advice and encouragement handed to him on a silver platter, and yet he seems to dismiss it with a vague "that's interesting", or "I'm too hopeless for that". If he doesn't owe it to himself, he should at least consider the people who give him advice, and actually follow up on it.

Whilst I believe every word I said to you, I will apologise for being so harsh. It's just that I honestly don't think that anyone my age should be "tired". Perhaps that's why I feel particularly strongly about your resigned attitude. To see someone my age already giving up on life is sad. For one thing, there are a lot more people worse off than you. You are twenty. You are young. You're definitely not raising a family. Life has just started for you. I don't know how many times I will have to say it for you to realise that.

I think you should also realise that you do have a lot of help and people that care for you. More than you would think. You say that you're treated like a black sheep, but I think that's more of a mindset that you've adopted against your family. Your mum for instance, is worried about you enough to come back to see you. Your friend offered to take you out job hunting with him. If that's not caring, I don't know what is. You also said that "communication is the key" in another thread, to which I responded "you should practice what you preach". Talk to your mum more. You'll be surprised how much lighter the load will feel when you talk to someone like your mum about it. How do you expect her to help you when she doesn't know what's going on with you?

With that said, you should continue to post on here if it makes you happy. If giving advice to people rewards you with some sort of satisfaction, then I have no right to take that away from you. Keep in mind what I said about following your own advice though. People will trust and respect your advice more when they know that it comes from experience. I don't know about you, but personally I don't give advice that I wouldn't follow myself. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Finally, I really do hope that you start to do something with your life, whether it be applying for the college you were talking about, or taking up an apprenticeship. It's been a month since your last post in "What should I do in my life". I'd hate to think that nothing has come out of that thread since then.

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