Do you believe in love? (63)

5 Name: here567 : 2009-06-10 21:08 ID:upq9Ptro


Ugh. how bland and depressing. If you categorize love as something so vain and understandable, you've never fallen in love before, or you've been hurt, badly. Perhaps your own ego was too involved in your relationship. Pick up the pieces and begin anew.

Love is an odd thing in of itself. We fall for people who don't acknowledge our existence. We love things that perhaps could be dangerous towards our own well being. We seek out those people even with boundaries and limitations.

OP, I believe in love. Sure, some to the base emotional impacts caused by love is from certain chemicals in the body, but you can't expect that to be the only reason why we are attracted and care for people. Love is an act between two people, a bond deeper than just mere circumstance or affliction. Can you imagine having a person there with you who almost completely understands you? And you completely understanding them? How about a person who loves to be together with you anywhere?

Lust has its part in love, but it isn't really important. The most important part of love is its strong connection and trust. Not appearances or accomplishments.

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