Do you believe in love? (63)

8 Name: Ryuuchi : 2009-06-11 01:17 ID:UVXWl9vU


As far as I know, love does not give me strength. I believe that you can get strength from something else than just love.

Okay, maybe I'm just standing over the edge of a cliff ready to fall. Waiting for some girl to get me out of it but asking that question and the statement that follows doesn't mean I believe in love. I just stated about how love and lust to me isn't really the same thing.

Experienced it, do you mean by love? Or sexual intercourse? Love, I did experienced it. Sexual intercourse, no. However, it does not explain why I don't believe in love. Like I said I've seen and heard so many situations regarding love that have made my reasons not to believe in love.

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