Do you believe in love? (63)

7 Name: 2 : 2009-06-11 01:02 ID:XGHzi2qd

I agree with >>5. >>3 hasn't experienced love, or has been hurt before. You fail to realise that love, whether it be from your parter, family, or faith, gives you strength.


> I said bluntly to him: Is it because you have not experienced it yet? He replied, yes. He also said that he thinks love and lust are the same thing. I think he's wrong. I think that love and lust are not the same thing because love is what people hold true for to have someone to be with and lust is just something they want to go after for to feel good about themselves and perhaps make his or her partner feel good as well. In other words, having sex with each other.

I'm sorry, but that sounds awfully like someone who believes in love. So I ask you bluntly: Is it because you have not experienced it before?

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