Changing (8)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-30 06:45 ID:heMw1PK2

I am a drop out who did so at 15 years of age, a less-than-motivated person, a fast-food worker, an irresponsible person who made a lot of bad and lazy choices. I have no high-school diploma, no credits.

I want to change my life dramatically.

The course of action I want to take is "Ged GED, join Army". Others have advised against this, some are for it, but insofar it's all I can really think of doing. I'm willing to give up my life for 3~4 years so I can reap the benefits later, but that wouldn't leave me much afterwards career-wise. I'd just be a grunt and that doesn't open up any jobs really.

Perhaps it's pride, or stubbornness, but getting my HS diploma seems like such a far-off goal, my age...I don't want to go back to 8th grade or just start fresh at 9th at nearly 19. I should be thinking about college at this age, but I fucked that up. Which is why I want to get my GED.

I want to go to vocational school and learn a trade. I can't afford this.

I don't know what to do, I've been fucking off for four years and now that's it's catching up with me I feel it full force. It's overwhelming, I think about it and just want to say fuck it like I used to as a kid, but that's what got me into this mess in the first place. I'm going nowhere and have the time to change, I just need a course of action, a plan.

Can anyone suggest or help out, please?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-30 06:50 ID:heMw1PK2

I don't know what to do, I've been fucking off for four years and now that's it's catching up with me I feel it full force. It's overwhelming, I think about it and just want to say fuck it like I used to as a kid, but that's what got me into this mess in the first place. I'm going nowhere and have the time to change, I just need a course of action, a plan.

Can anyone suggest or help out, please?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-30 10:12 ID:ty15I8VX

First, get your GED. You might have to study a bit, but it's really nothing hard.

Then I suggest you take out loans for some low level school to get your associates degree. From there, you can go anywhere.

Whatever you do, just don't join the army. The army is a trap for people who feel hopeless just like you.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-03 02:43 ID:Zlvhn7pX

>>3 2x

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-04 13:21 ID:McE7Q54k

How is it a trap? It seems like it could be something to motivate a person. I'm in the same shoes as the OP. I see service as something that would force me to be with people, bring me different places around the world. Sounds like I'd gain so much life experience. So please tell me what is wrong with a hopeless person enlisting? This seems like an option for me and I'd like to hear all sides before making such a big decision.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-04 14:02 ID:4+sKA7UO

You're better off than me, OP.

I'm 18 years old, haven't really been in school since the 5th grade and I've never had a job.
Although hopefully when the summer is over I'll get accepted into this one high school and I could end up turning my life around.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-05 03:19 ID:87HVJYSy

Once you get in the army, its almost impossible to get out on your own terms.

What you, and the OP need to learn is that as long as you are alive, you have the ability to become whatever you feel you can be. My father dropped out of school for about four years after screwing up royally, and became a doctor. It is possible, you have to have the will to succeed, though.

You have to be able to take the criticism. You have to take the dirty hits that people give you. Because if you can trudge through all of it and succeed, all of that criticism becomes invalidated.

get your ged, go to community college, get good grades, then find a way to transfer to a four year college. Keep climbing. you can do it.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-06 04:38 ID:lXj/1SxK

I haven't posted in this thread yet, but this post is very motivating to me.

vc: finition

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