Stop tickling me now! (23)

13 Name: Anonymous : 2009-10-13 22:28 ID:Heaven

An addendum because I ran out of time and had to go to class:
Op's aggressor's sexual orientation is a moot point because I'm giving advice on how to force someone like OP's aggressor to stop bothering him. Gay or not, OP's aggressor sounds like a meathead, and the only way to truly deal with those kind of people is to simply be aggressive back at them. They may outwardly say that they'll stop if confronted enough times through non-aggressive ways, but the problem stems from a repsect issue. The most effective way to make OP's aggressor stop bothering him is to show that the OP is indeed physically capable of fighting back and is not afraid to use it. Even if it is ultimately futile in actually repelling his aggressor, the act of actually fighting back sends a clear message that the OP is not that much of a weakling as originally thought.

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