Trying to like my boyfriend's best friend (22)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-11-19 03:32 ID:MZt/z/ud

So for some reason, I really dislike my boyfriend's best friend. Even when we first met I never really liked her. She's kind of annoying and immature, but other than that I guess she's a pretty friendly person.
Then during the summer we broke up, and a few months ago they went out with each other. But then he dumped her to get back with me and they both said they just mistook their friendship for romantic feelings. Ok, I understand that. But even though she said she didn't even like him to begin with, she still forbade me from hanging out with him that one time. Which adds on to the reason I don't like her. I mean if you didn't really care about him that much then why stop us from hanging out?
Anyway, since me and my boyfriend have been together for two years, I think I should try and make an effort to like his best friend at least. And I really am trying. When she wants to talk, I'll talk to her. And being completely honest, she really is a friendly girl. But no matter how hard I try (or not try) I can't like her! She just seems so immature and annoying! Help?

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