So who here has been on meds? (30)

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-12-17 01:26 ID:gY68zkqq


Sorry, my computer shut down when I was typing my response.

I started meds because of my problems with people. I don't really trust anyone around me at all, and that causes me to isolate myself completely. Thats why I started meds. At one point I couldn't even look people in the eye. I've recovered somewhat, and I got weeded off of meds, but I feel like my mind is slowly losing control. I have headaches all the time, nightmares about how im not good enough for anything, and fears about my life. I'll become angry for no good reason. Part of that is my self image too, and that I have some sort of unnatural obsession for a girl that doesn't like me in that way. I guess im just plain scared, of life, and of my feelings. The meds helped, because I didn't have to feel this fear, this passion, this rage.

So yeah, kind of crazy, but I can still function in society.

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