So who here has been on meds? (30)

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-12-17 02:16 ID:gY68zkqq

here's the longer version:

Back in college, I had problems with relating to people at my college and being open. I began to regress into my room for the most part after class, and at some point I completely regressed from classes and failed a few. My parents put me back in school thinking it was just mere incompetence, but it was because I began to have a fear of social situations from the lack of comfort in them, plus my track record socially is horrible. There was a point in my life were I couldn't even keep eye contact with anyone. That semester, I regressed so bad that I began to starve myself out of fear of social situations. Honestly I was a step away from killing myself. I stepped out of my room for something, I don't remember what, and I ran into someone my dad knows and was trying to get in contact with me for a week. They took me over to the counseling center and my parents rushed back in a panic. My Dad yelled, as he used to, and my mom took me to my grandparents to see a shrink. He gave me medication, but he didn't really help me counseling-wise. I couldn't really tell the difference, so I didn't care. It was then when I changed schools, because the one I was going to was my dad's and I hated it. After about 2 years, I loved the school I go to now and was able to get off the meds. Plus I made some friends along the way.

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