Why do women reject shorter men? (29)

20 Name: Anonymous : 2010-11-17 11:54 ID:OjUdJeGo

when i saw the thread title, i was going to come in here and say something supportive about short men and try to be helpful in some way.

but after reading the first post, my sympathy fizzled out.

it's the same thing you see all over these boards- men complain about how terrible it is that women won't see past (insert trait here) and love them anyway / while simultaneously being hyper-critical of any women who don't fall into a particular range of acceptable hotness.

maybe some of these guys should try going out into the world and looking at real people. not everyone looks like characters in a drama/movie/anime. most people walking around living their lives would likely not be anything like the visions of perfection we are all blasted with in the media.

but you know what? they are out there anyway- working, partying with friends, having adventures, dating, falling in love, getting married, etc. and they don't have to be conventionally gorgeous to do it.

when you dehumanize others for not meeting your standards, then you can't really expect much in return.

just saying.

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