Is there something wrong with me? (11)

1 Name: OP : 2011-02-07 07:48 ID:fWq0jJ23

I am a male, born a male, identify as a male. But, I prefer to wear girls clothes. I probably have more skirts than pants, tie my hair into a ponytail when I can, usually wear tights, I pretty much dress up like a girl.

My grandparents have virtually disowned me and only a few of my real friends accept me for the way I am. The rest of them pick on me and push me around and spread rumours that I'm homosexual (I'm actually bisexual) or that I've let other guys do me in the arse and whatnot. I'm getting sick of it and I've considered suicide.

Is there something wrong with me to prefer to wear girls clothing opposed to mens clothing?

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