angry at family (7)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-15 09:16 ID:F4SnGm8R

AngryMan, at least you realize that you have a problem with alcohol, some people take decades and untold damage to reach the same conclusion.

Here are some quick facts that you should really burn into your mind about alcoholism: it's a disease, just like cancer, and just as you can't heal from cancer just with a strong will, you also can't recover from alcoholism just with a strong will. You absolutely need to go to a doctor specialized in alcohol addiction so that your weaning is followed up. Otherwise you'll keep relapsing into addiction, or even worse end up dead just like the singer Amy Winehouse (she did not know that binge drinking is deadly for someone who stopped drinking alcohol for a couple of months). Alcoholism is a very complex disease that really needs a close professional follow up (for instance: abrupt weaning is also problematic). So get some professional help. Final piece of advice: you must understand that alcoholics process alcohol differently from normal people, and what this means is that whereas normal people can drink a bit and not be affected, for an alcoholic even a few drops are enough to cause a disastrous relapse, even years after weaning. So remember this: alcoholism is a chronic condition which demands that you NEVER again drink even a single drop of alcohol (even alcohol in chocolates, for instance). Just consider alcohol as a poisonous substance to which you are extremely allergic to.

Keep going for your studies, and make it your priority to treat your alcoholism. This will make your life much brighter. Don't focus on your sad past history, your immediate enemy right now is alcohol, which is devouring your present life, not your family.

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