[Jealous]Am i not worth anyone's attention?[Self Esteem] (27)

14 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-16 03:12 ID:8dQSJ9xx

I could have written this post, only I don't have any friends, online or off, and I've never had a partner. But the being ignored by everyone, no one giving a shit about you, the parents telling you it's because "You're just shy and stern looking!" bullshit, the trying to be sociable and it never working and being called "weird", the being second best when you were younger and did have friends- it's all me.

And frankly this thread terrifies me. I haven't finished it because I can't read more than a few lines at a time. It's like looking into my future, or an alternate reality, and it doesn't get better.

I don't think we're going to have a happy ending, OP.

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