Ann Coulter (63)

1 Name: Citizen 2004-12-10 22:40 ID:Heaven [Del]

> Canada is lucky we allow them to exist on the same continent.

This thread is for Lain, with love.

2 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-12-10 22:50 ID:X2brn7ig [Del]

lol Iceland

3 Name: Citizen 2004-12-10 23:36 ID:Heaven [Del]

Is there a lotta dogsledding going on in Iceland?

4 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-12-11 01:19 ID:X2brn7ig [Del]

Who's Ann, annyway?

5 Name: Citizen 2004-12-11 03:02 ID:Heaven [Del]

A former drag queen from Key West named Pudenda Shenanigans.

6 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-12-11 03:39 ID:X2brn7ig [Del]


7 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2004-12-11 07:08 ID:+Ii34t2Q [Del]

Um... No, she's not. She's just a right-wing bomb-thrower.

She and Carlson are a bit harsh, but I agree with their point. Canada could achieve so much in the world; instead it's just... there. No initiative except to walllow in obscurity. It would be cool if we could saw off Canada and paste Australia in its place. Their rich would have to travel further to get good ol' privatized health care, but, as they say in Montreal, c'est la vie.

Curling's a cool sport, though.

8 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 04/12/12(Sun)08:43 ID:J12Z1XBN [Del]

And why would Canada want to do that? What's with this global penis-waving anyway? Why does a country have to stand out?

And my somewhat-uninformed opinion is that Coulter is an idiot not worth listening to. She adds nothing to the discourse except a near-clinical case of dissembling and outright bullshit. There are far better and more informative conservative writers out there, but nobody listens to them because rational discussion and conceptual groundwork isn't as interesting to the general public as the next crazy claim of the day.

I say "somewhat-uninformed" since I've never read a book of hers from cover to cover. However, I've read a large number of excerpts and can safely say it's brain-rotting.

9 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 04/12/12(Sun)22:34 ID:wBFOhmCF [Del]

>>8: Canada is the second biggest nation in the world by land mass. The US is only the fourth. It doesn't have to "stand out," but it could at least make itself more visible. I don't particularly have any answers as to how; I just think Canada wastes a lot of its own potential.

I agree with you about Coulter, though. It always gets me when liberals dump on calm moderates like O'Reilly ( ) or Hannity while nary a peep is said of raving loonies like Coulter or Michael Savage.

10 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 04/12/13(Mon)04:28 ID:nchRUB0C [Del]

It's big, but most people seem to prefer living close to the US border where it's warmer. It also only has a population of ~30 million. I suppose it came down to this: unlike Russia which already had a large ethnic population, when people migrated to North America they preferred the United States since Canada was nice and frozen.

I have no idea about Coulter's situation though. Perhaps she's so out in the looney field that almost nobody takes her seriously. Al Franken took great glee at ripping her books apart though, but I can honestly say his book Lies, and the Lying Liars who tell them was also a brainrot.

11 Name: !WAHa.06x36 04/12/13(Mon)17:44 ID:csvBZrmb [Del]


You still didn't answer the question "why?".

12 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 04/12/14(Tue)04:16 ID:UghYZ0EI [Del]

Um, I guess because I hate seeing wasted potential. Canada is a first-world country that doesn't really seem to do anything. They're like a big Switzerland, I guess.

13 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 04/12/14(Tue)10:10 ID:BdcfTXu6 [Del]

Hah, Switzerland knows how to do it right!

"Hey, Canada, lend us some troops!"
"Terrorists in Iraq!"
"Most of our underpaid troops were eaten by polar bears..."
"Polar bears?!"
"Well, the Artic is melting, so they've moved down here. My poor sleigh dogs..."
"Feh. Germany! Trooooops!"
"Seig Heil!"
"Speak English! Everyone know's it's the only real language!"
"Ve are sinking zat za Fuehrer cough Herr Hitler was enough for one lifetime, ja?"
"You sure?"
"Really sure?"
"Really really sure?"
"Oh look, new Mercedes? Vant one?"
"Whatever. France!"
"Fuck you, Yankee bastards!"
"I didn't ask you anything yet!"
"Mais oui! We know you Yankees want to dominate za world!"
"It's just Iraq!"
"Oui, oui. 'jes Iraq' you sey. Ve have better things to do!"
"Like what?"
"Fucking women. Drinking wine. Laughing at you. What else?"
"How dare you! I'm going to rename French Fries!"
"You stupid yankee, 'French Fries' are from Belgium. Now go avey! My girlfriends vant attention."
"Degenerate. Japan!"
"We will a committee create. We think on it."
"Think faster."
"Maybe if you send Mike Tyson to fight in K1."
"Fine, have the ear muncher."
"Hai. We are moved. We send some elite ninjas."
"WTF? So few troops?!"
"Japan has no army. Only Self-Defence Force."
"It's the same thing!"
"Japan has no army. Only Self-Defence Force."
"I heard the first time, but sure you can spare more, right?"
"Japan has no army. Only Self-Defence Force."
"Shit, go back to buying Gucci bags. Australia!"
"Hey, mate."
"We want some troops."
"Well, Howard is a bit short on dick. Send Bush over."
"Okay. Howard says Bush is a rotten lover, but you can have some."
"There aren't that many..."
"We can provide our elite kangaroo brigade."
"You ain't nevah seen a real army until you seen 100,000 kangaroos hopping to the tune of Wagner's The Ride of the Valkyries."
"Uh... anything else?"
"We got biological weapons."
"Sure. Stacks of cain toads. You can have as many as you can run over."
"No thanks. What about our old Soviet buddies?"
"Ve are rebuilding Mother Russia." BOOM
"What the Hell?!"
"Ah... hey, Boris, go raze a few more Chechen villages, da?" ratatatata BOOM Neeeee! BANG BANG BANG
"Da. I vas saying, rebuilding the glorious CCCP... eh... democratic Russia! Da!" fweeeeeeeeee BOOM rattle
"We are not amused."
"We believe that the US has finally recognised it needs a strong leadership, a leadership found in the monarch of the Commonwealth. But you're not on your knees you unwashed impudent rebel."
"Stupid old hag, get me the Prime Minister."
"Why hello there, good sir. How's the weather?"
"Who cares. Give us troops!"
"It's sort of drizzly over here."
"Troops, damn it."
"Oh my. Troops you say, dear fellow? Well, I'm sure we can spare a few Scots. Irish too."
"Oh dear, the Irish are blowing things up again. Perhaps this will do instead?"
"That's not that much..."
"Well, there's always the French. Like they say, 'The English will fight to the last Frenchman'."
"The French are too busy screwing around."
"Typical. They do have better weather and teeth though. No wonder... hmm..."
"I seem to have run out of scones. Good day."
"Hello? Hey, Froggy!"
"Vat?! Can't you see I'm busy licking mah girlfriend's poodle? Go avey, stupid Yankee!"
"We want troops!"
"Go ask za German's. They've cloned Hitler!"
"Huh? Hey Germany!"
"Ein Fuehrer! Ein Volk! Ein Reich! Seig Heil!"
"Uh... hello?"
"Ja! Meine Freunde! Die Juden haben es gemacht! Wir muessen blah blah blah blah blah blah Dritte Reich! blah blah blah Aryan blah blah verdammte Amerika blah blah blah"

And so forth. Notice how Switzerland never gets asked for anything?

14 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 04/12/14(Tue)15:03 ID:Heaven [Del]'re stoned.

15 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 04/12/14(Tue)18:04 ID:vlFu5Ui2 [Del]

Actually, the Canadian army got wasted by the USers's "friendly" fire when they were sent to Afghanistan, I heard. :)

16 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 04/12/14(Tue)19:37 ID:LqsyZl6n [Del]

Yep. Because the pilot flying the aircraft was stoned. ;p

17 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 04/12/14(Tue)21:34 ID:vlFu5Ui2 [Del]

In the USA, all pilots are flying high. :)

18 Post deleted by user.

19 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 04/12/15(Wed)19:30 ID:DfGnGDeA [Del]

>>18: Poor examples; unlike Canada, those countries are tiny little dots on the map with little population and natural resources. And it is not only "gun-laden tomfoolery" I'm speaking of; just good ol' normal diplomacy would be nice. Many nations are currently in Iraq helping to rebuild the infrastructure whilst not firing a single bullet. And how can isolation lead to riches? You must at least trade with other nations for needed resources, if nothing else, if you wish to have a stable economy. I have no facts, but I'm pretty sure your four examples are at least trading with their neighbors, on the private level if not at the governmental level.

20 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 04/12/15(Wed)21:48 ID:0hn/POV2 [Del]

An army has its uses, but a lot of people think what the US is currently doing is counterproductive. I suppose only history will give the final verdict, but it's looking like an explosive money-pit at the moment.

I'm curious why it's costing the US so much though. There have been a lot larger mobilisations in history.

I always found amusing what the SAS do with most the equipment they're issued - they bury it (whoops!). When you're running around for days in enemy territory all those kilos add up. Of course the government always thinks it knows what's best for the troops, so they keep on issuing junk the troops don't want instead of the junk the troops need.

Perhaps funnelling all that money into troop training would serve a better purpose. There are a lot of nations with armies that are better trained than the US. While those armies are a lot smaller, each soldier is worth several of his US counterparts.

21 Post deleted by user.

22 Name: Citizen 2005-04-27 20:48 ID:MtPtiBe6

I Fucked Ann Coulter in the Ass, Hard

23 Name: Ben 2005-04-27 21:30 ID:hjxJCUKf

Ann Coulter is the perfect woman... Sexy AND Conservative!

24 Name: Citizen 2005-05-01 19:19 ID:LxdTJg2k

The best of the US forces are in the Pacific.

25 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-05-02 05:41 ID:quUOSgA0


They're in the Pacific. So what?

26 Name: Citizen 2005-05-03 21:24 ID:LxdTJg2k

The fight is in Iraq now, no?

27 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-05-04 05:32 ID:A86+MV6a

Do you like one-liners? I'm not psychic.

Explain to me how >>24 relates to >>20. Is this some attempt to explain why this war is costing the US so much, or is it related to my comment that more training should be invested in US troops, or...?

28 Name: Citizen 2005-05-04 11:30 ID:LxdTJg2k

I don't even remember now but

> Perhaps funnelling all that money into troop training would serve a better purpose.

seems like a good enough seed for >>24

I think that if the army had sent their Best and Brightest to Iraq, much of the problems they have wouldn't be.

29 Name: Citizen 2005-12-17 05:17 ID:bGj04QV0

Righty-o, remember what happened when China went isolationist.
The only countries that can do that need to own tons of satellite nations, and even then an improper government (soviets) can demolish what would have been a very stable infrastructure.

You were probably thinking of the Korean border. DMZ. We really are keeping too many soldiers there, but no one else wants to heft the burden that's Kim. They think he's too insane to actually do anything effective. Or simply just don't care if he attacks anyone. I dunno why, it would seem like the more the destructive the weaponry, the more you'd want to keep it out of the hands of a nutcase. That's probably why there've been no actual terrorist attacks since the planecrash. The whole world's gone freakin' lazy and decadant, with the exception of the crazies and obsessivecompulsives like PeTA, ELF, and the shoebomber guy.

30 Name: Citizen 2006-01-02 10:33 ID:OLoc+exm

O'Reilly and Hannity are "calm moderates"?

31 Name: Citizen 2006-01-04 00:03 ID:p5sUGCtg

>>30 maybe it meant "clam moderates"

i've heard mr. o'reilly loves the clam

32 Name: Lain!YsrYiS7Bco 2006-01-04 08:26 ID:mG6gAGN8


Just chiming in on this conversation: Ann Coulter is a disease and must be cleansed from this race with molten lead.

33 Name: Lain!YsrYiS7Bco 2006-01-04 08:30 ID:mG6gAGN8

Actually, two other things. I've actually read through one of Ann Coulters books. She is hilarious to the point I think I'm almost reading satire. Seriously.

Secondly, why the hell does Canada have to stand out? So we're a peace-loving democracy: do we HAVE to go to war with Denmark just to be "cool like the other countries"?

34 Name: Citizen 2006-01-06 00:55 ID:7yS1sCnd

> USA is lucky Bin Laden allow them to exist on the same planet.

35 Name: Lain!YsrYiS7Bco 2006-01-06 01:46 ID:/T0C6Knp

"Awful lot of dog sledding"

Hahaha. He's obviously never been anywhere south of 60-Latitude.

36 Name: Citizen 2006-01-13 13:34 ID:xCVKUI71

Ann Coulter needs to back up her bark with some bite. When's she going to do something? And when's she going to back up what she says?

People like her and O'Reilley are giving conservatism a bad rap.

We need more people like John McCain and a whole lot less like them.

37 Name: Citizen 2006-01-16 01:15 ID:JpQFtYC8

I'll rape that ami whore in all her holes times and times again until she cries like a little bitch and apologizes for the crime her shit country made.

Then I would send her to Iraq and make a gangbang video with hundrets of freedom fighters fucking her from every angle.

38 Name: Citizen 2006-01-16 03:51 ID:OLoc+exm

Into transexuals huh?

39 Name: Citizen 2006-01-16 16:20 ID:Heaven

>>37 is just a really weak ripoff of >>22.

40 Name: Citizen : 2006-03-07 04:20 ID:Heaven

I will note that, well-trained or not, U.S. troops have two big disadvantages:

1.) Lack of real experience going in. We're deploying troops into the slaughterhouses of the world. The people we're fighting may be largely uneducated, untrained people using shitty equipment, but they've been actively killing as a military unit for YEARS. One sees the same in Africa. American troops are only now building up some real experience. Training does not and will never compare to actual combat.

2.) The battle is now unconventional. The initial sweeping of the Iraqi army was a clean victory, even if our troops were probably less experienced than some enemy units, we had technology, numbers, and superiorly honed skills. Now that we're occupying Iraq, we face a situation not unlike (though with far less bloodshed) that of Vietnam: you can't fight an enemy you can't see, or who looks like any other damn civilian.

41 Name: non-Citizen : 2006-04-25 02:34 ID:myO3I7TD

Ann Coulter as you all know is just another right wing nut, I'm not picking sides here, the problem with Coulter, Bin Laden and the sort are they are extremist in their own beleifs they are what most of us call a nut job, the problem however does not stop there the bigger problem is these are the people to whom the large uneducated or disgruntled mass listen too.

42 Name: Citizen : 2006-04-25 15:08 ID:6xZD/QBB

Ann Coulter has sexy politics but is much too skinny and blond

43 Name: Citizen : 2006-04-26 05:21 ID:Heaven

I think Michele Malken is the new Ann Coulter. "Japanese Internment camps, lol."

44 Name: Citizen : 2006-04-26 06:32 ID:Heaven

Michelle Malkin makes my pecker stand at attention. I love her too.

45 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-02 12:17 ID:Heaven

Yeah, she definitely needs more .45 ACP to the face.

46 Name: Citizen : 2006-07-30 07:06 ID:ng+3pA1H


Thank you. I believe this thread is over.

47 Name: Citizen : 2006-07-30 20:51 ID:1nFqOBjS

not quite

Ann Coulter = Hitler


48 Name: Jonte-- : 2006-07-31 09:55 ID:J8+pwyKU

How come this clown can be on national television?

49 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-30 16:53 ID:Heaven

Because people pay to hear people say the things they can't but are in fact thinking.

50 Name: Citizen : 2008-06-18 15:48 ID:ErDtWxpO


Potential for what, pray tell? Everyone around the world except us ignorant americans knows that since it's creation as a nation, Canada has been one of the leaders in global peace keeping missions. They do spend less on their military than anyone else but thats because they dont waste their resources fighting anyone. notice how you never heard of terroists in canada until after Harper became PM in canada and started backing hawkish ambitions. Instead of blowing their money on troops to fight countries that pose no realistic threat to their interests, Canada uses their money to pay for services on their people. Yes the waiting list for life or death surgery in canada is long but it is here in the us too (ask anyone who needs a heart or kidney) but everyone gets a general checkup. you can go to any of their physicians if u break a leg and taxes cover that. u know, we could do the same thing if instead of spending $360 billion on a military budget a year - not countnig the extra spending bills for the war. just the standard average military budget in america - (as opposed to Britains equivalent of $40 billion as the second most expensive military) we could spend, say $80 billion on military, still be twice as big as britains military, and have $280 billion dollars. That would cover a pretty good basic national health care plan to go along side privatized health care for those with auxilary insurance dont you think? Thats where canada's, switzerland's, Sweden's, and Netherland's "potential" goes. into their National Interest aka the purpose of their government in the first place.

as for no one helping us, everyone knows its like vietnam in the desert, only this tme the enemy has more factions and has more allied ( radical muslims). The only way to defeat the insurgency is to carpet nuke iraq, level, pave over it, and build a big ass walmart in the middle. and all that will do is piss off the rest of the muslims and anyone else withing range of the fall out. Its called a Pyrrhic victory. Look it up

TL;DR Canada isn't "wasting shit", its doing what its supposed to be doing and no ne wants to help america in Iraq because failWar is FAIL.

51 Name: FLQ : 2008-06-19 21:14 ID:ytLTpDzV

>>50 notice how you never heard of terroists in canada


52 Name: Citizen : 2008-06-20 14:36 ID:8FGXsIgE

I would love to see Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin gang raped by HIV positive rape gangs in South Africa.

53 Name: Citizen : 2008-06-20 15:49 ID:ErDtWxpO


I like how you take only half of that sentence. If u read thoe whole thing, I said, "notice how you never heard of terroists in canada UNTIL AFTER HARPER BECAME PM IN CANADA AND STARTED BACKING HAWKISH AMBITIONS". See how different that staement is. Name one incident of terrorist cells being found in canada BEFORE Harper was Prime Minister. The operative phrase there being "BEFORE Harper was Prime Minister".

tl;dr Failed strawman arguement is fail

54 Name: Citizen : 2008-06-20 17:41 ID:ytLTpDzV

I like how you're blissfully unaware that the FLQ was active in the 70s and 80s, but Harper is Prime Minister now.

You said "notice how you never heard of terrorists in Canada until after Harper became PM."

Everyone who was paying attention is already quite aware of the rather long and bloody history of the FLQ, thank you very much, who were bombing police stations and shooting postmen when Harper was still wearing short pants.

Indeed, someone here reeks of EPIC FAIL.

55 Name: Citizen : 2008-06-21 01:44 ID:WGslzg1k

Republicans are FAIL
Democrats are FAIL
Neocons are FAIL
Socialists are FAIL
America is FAIL

56 Name: Citizen : 2008-06-25 18:06 ID:ErDtWxpO


touche on the flq. i should have specified foreign terrorists. obviously if you are trying to overthrow the government of the country you live in, you are aware of it. but the only terrorists. i meant foreign terorists. obviously domestic terrorism cannot be avoided by isolationism. but foreign terrorism can. pre harper, Canada had not had to deal with foreign terrorism.

57 Name: Citizen : 2008-07-21 15:25 ID:tA9gw537

Actually Canada burned the white house last time you thought it was a good idea not allowing them to exist.

58 Name: sage : 2008-07-21 22:03 ID:Heaven

That was after we sacked and torched their entire capital. America does it one better as usual.

59 Name: Citizen : 2008-07-25 19:34 ID:Heaven

The burning of York was arson by American soldiers, the burning of Washington was a deliberate act of vengeance ordered by British commanders.
Almost every public building in DC was torched; the only reason the entire city was spared is because care was taken not to burn private estates containing civilians.

> America does it one better as usual.

If you had any shame, you'd understand why your statement is laughable, crawl into bed, and curl in a fetal position.

60 Name: Citizen : 2008-11-03 19:50 ID:IaUCSZ3n

I sincerely hope that woman gets assassinated. Like, really. REALLY. REALLY REALLY REALLY. Really. Really, really.

I wish nothing but the worst of pain for that woman and her kind.

61 Name: Citizen : 2008-11-03 20:19 ID:GAhZy0cA

If Mccain wins then Ann Coulter will assassinate him so that Palin will be president.

62 Name: Citizen : 2009-05-15 02:53 ID:m7dUE6R+

Live the American dream...move to Canada.

63 Name: Citizen : 2009-07-21 03:50 ID:Heaven

Sad to see that a person like Ann Coulter is taken seriously at all. She dresses like a slut but tries to be „conservative“, which basically means: she sucks corporate dick.

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