Japan's LDP proposing new, authoritarian constitution (109)

1 Name: Citizen 2005-03-01 17:48 ID:Heaven

Creepy stuff. Sounds like they want a return to a "kinder, gentler" version of the prewar era...

101 Name: Citizen 2005-05-07 00:21 ID:uweHymUD

Soka Gakkai is not a cult group. It is more like the USA's right-wing Christian conservatives. Neither Soka Gakkai nor the US's Southern Baptists actually brainwash and abuse their members, unlike most cults. They're just extremely conservative and think they are on a mission from the heavens to help the rest of us see how wrong we are.

Now Aum Shinrikyo, those guys were (are?) a real cult.

102 Name: Citizen : 2006-03-20 15:23 ID:Heaven

significant part of LDP's nostalgic way of behavior comes from the fact that shinto shrines have supported the party. so soka gakkai, which is one of buddhism sects, might dissent in many points, especially in religious or spiritual conception of history.

103 Post deleted by moderator.

104 Name: Citizen : 2006-04-21 03:39 ID:Heaven

        Shitty thread Wasshoi!!
     \\ Shitty thread Wasshoi! //
 +   + \\Shitty thread Wasshoi!/+
        ∬ ∬    ∬ ∬    ∬ ∬  +
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  +    (__)   (__)   (__)     +
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      ( ´∀`∩ (´∀`∩) ( ´∀`)
 +  (( (つ   ノ (つ  丿 (つ  つ ))  +
       ヽ  ( ノ  ( ヽノ   ) ) )
       (_)し'  し(_)  (_)_)

105 Post deleted by moderator.

106 Post deleted by moderator.

107 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-29 01:22 ID:Ypnf9lbJ

Its Funny many americans are washed their brains by Chinese commy's" Militalist Japan Propaganda" & some stupid nationalist
LDP guys (Koizumi Aso Nakagawa)playing the free actor of the Chinese Propaganda

Think! Why commy continuously digging the memory of 60years ago.

CIA report that Y2000 china's Purcaseing Power Pariry GDP
become NO2 of the world
And 2006 China's PPP GDP is Twice of Japan's PPP GDP

That mean
Even Japan go to Militalism and try to compete military expenditure expansion----Japan will bankrupt before china--- like USSR bankrupt before USA----Because China's PPP=Actual GDP is twice of Japan

There is big difference of Price level between US/JPN and China
And China can employee 1Million troops with same amount of
Only 50000 of JGSDF troops salary
So when you evaluate potential military strength from GDP,you should compare Purchaseing Power Parity Base not Exchange Base

OKay I figure out Military Expenditure
Excahnge Base
US 400-500Bil
Rus 55Bil
China2004 60Bli
China2005 80Bil
China2006 100Bil
JPN 2006 47Bil

US 400-500Bil
Rus 110Bil
China2004 240Bli
China2005 320Bil
China2006 400Bil
JPN 2006 47Bil

PLAAF Fighters2400 USAF Fighters3600 JASDF260
PLA Tanks 7010 USArmyTanks7000 JGSDFTanks 600
PLAN Sub 60 USNPAC FleetSub35 JMSDF Sub16

Hello? Where is Militalist JPN?
Militalist with ONLY 600Tanks 260Fighters 16 Sub?
Very Funny Joke made in RED CHINA

Evil New Facist doing respect celemony for OLD Evil Facist at war Shirine
Evil New Facist going to Nuke armament and establish New Nuke Empire like USSR
So dramatic SF Movie like Star Wars, we shold prise Golden Razzy award to Mr Stupid Koizumi & Mr Aho & Nakagawa The Drunker

But before you believe Commy's propaganda Film
at least Check the statistics then you will aware how commy
scare that US aware china's Mil Expanding and stop it

Commy's Trick is by anouncing "Hey World NO2 GDP JPN GOING TO MILITASLIST!" and let US chase it, for prevent US Aware THE FACT actually world NO2 is China and China's PPP Mil Expebditure have already chaught up US

108 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-31 10:00 ID:afzXFE+1

It seems to be Korean common sense

Jesus Christ is a Korean

Tom Cruise is a Korean

Carl Lewis is a Korean

Michael Jordan is a Korean

Queen Elizabeth is a Korean

American ancestors are Koreans

A Korean forges it

109 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-11 06:21 ID:Rju+Cws3

Don't be reading Japan Today and be freaking out. Many of their articles were written with anti-Japan agenda funded by you know who (e.g. our real totalitarian neighbors to the west). You have to know where the writer is standing when judging left vs. right. In Japan, most stand on the extreme left (or unpatriotic). From where they stand, everything will look right and nationalistic. You also have to be aware that the writers will use every method available to quill any movements that would not be beneficial to their sponsors. Labeling (e.g. calling the registration and various issues with words such as totalitarian and nationalistic) is one of the most frequently used methods.

This is one of the often looked-over cost of freedom of speech. China and North Korea don't have this problem. The receiver/consumer of the information need to be really smart about what to believe and what to just toss out of the window. So don't freak out. Think for yourself.

Below, I'll give you an example of how different "middle of the road" is between Japan & US.

I'm a parent with a kindergarten-aged child in US. It really, really, really, blew me away when I saw one of the "school performance," where kids yelled out "I'm proud of soldiers who gave their lives to this country." I personally think above is healthy, but in Japan, this healthy expression of patriotism would be considered extreme right & extremely nationalistic. The leftist media will have a field day if any kindergarten ever taught their children to say this, so this simply doesn't happen in Japan. US's middle of the road (at least good/mainstream enough to teach a 5-year old) is beyond extreme right in Japan.

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