Japan's LDP proposing new, authoritarian constitution (109)

47 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2005-03-16 07:34 ID:0wzqZhXS

Most Americans probably don't know much, but I personally find the situation on the Korean peninsula very interesting and have done a lot of research on it. This web site links to a lot of cool sites about NK, and has often-updated news as well:
I find the Soviet-style propaganda music and artwork NK is putting out very interesting... It's like stepping back in time fifty years.

That being said, is there an English translation of this bill available anywhere? I find it hard to believe that it could make things as bad as North Korea... Even the PATRIOT Act, for all people complained about it, didn't effect hardly any Americans at all, though many middle-Eastern immigrants with suspicious backgrounds were more closely scrutinized.

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