Japan's LDP proposing new, authoritarian constitution (109)

77 Name: 56 2005-03-23 18:11 ID:Heaven


>One of its most important parts says that someone can't be arrested unless they are charged with a crime, soon after which they must be allowed a fair trial. If, however, they cannot charge someone for a crime, because of lack of evidence or for any other reason, that person must be let go.

Sorry怀for taking this long to reply to your points. I was wondering if the police in the US are empowered to seach a suspect's place without any permission given by the court before arresting him. The constitution of Japan strictly limites the abilities to do it unless he is arrested red-handed,
so that the police won't put the wrong person to a hard position(though such a system is established, they sometimes cook up a story and take a wrong one to the police station...). I mean to say, although the police' action is limited, why does the human rights commitee have the right to "do justice" according to their standards? I guess no other establishment can do such a thing. Horriblly disgusting and depressing, many of those who want to become a member of the committee are thought to belong to some political/religious organization. The constitution sure gives people the right to believe religion, but doesn't allow them to play God. Japanese Diet members should base their decisions on the Constitution.

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