Japan's LDP proposing new, authoritarian constitution (109)

92 Name: mira 2005-04-01 06:50 ID:8y+USsQ9

yes, that has been very big news here in the USA for the past few weeks, although I haven't heard that it has decreased Bush's popularity.
the woman, Terri Schiavo, has been brain dead for 15 years. Her husband finally wanted to remove her feeding tube and let her die, but her parents disagreed. the matter went to court (many times) and locally, they decided that Terri herself would want to die. However, the Bush administration disagreed, and it turned into national news.
Terri Schiavo died this morning after her feeding tube had been out for the 13th day.

I thought that the PATRIOT Act did allow for those arrests, but I can't find it in the text now, so I may be mistaken.

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