[Hypothesis] Islam is today's Proletariat [Hypothesis] (52)

20 Name: Domingo Chavez!FpTygh5paU 2005-10-08 17:23 ID:ri/gPMlK

>>16 Have you read the Quran before? (Learn to spell somthing correctly before you go and criticize other peoples intellegence) It is not the holy book telling them to kill. It is the Imams and Clerics that are spreading the violence to the young, and after its gone on for so long, its become just the natural thing. It is not the fault of the book. No where in the book does it to say to murder thousands of men women and children. The Fatwas against the Pagans were army against army. Not army against civillian. The terrorists plauging the world are not going to be greeted in paradise, for they are still murderers none the less. Their ideals and views of the religion have been twisted and molded to the way the true madmen wanted it to.

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