America taking over Japan (87)

1 Name: Citizen 2005-08-13 15:26 ID:x+hFPdq2

In some anime series like GiTS: 2nd GiG, Gasaraki, Patlabor 2, they always show this agenda that the US will take over Japan under the pretense of helping to supress a local conflict. Where did the producers ever get this crazy idea? DO some Japanese people really feel that the US might take over Japan in the future??

68 Name: Citizen 2006-02-05 10:02 ID:YDJaKP/g

All happened in the dark ages.
They don't reflect today's America or Japan.

69 Name: Citizen 2006-02-05 23:10 ID:o1R2Wsaw

That may be so, but it takes a long period of time before the effects of such things are actually gone completly.


>It is also a commonly held belief in America that much of the
>Japanese educational system basically never mentions such
>things. I'd like to know what your thoughts about this are.

I have heard as such before, but I do not know if it is true nowadays. I believe that every country has had its own dark periods. America has had slavery, native americans, japanese internment, etc. Yet we tell teach our children about these things. I do not agree with >>67 however. There is plenty of historical evidence for all of America's history. I'm not sure what textbook he was reading (i.e. I'm sure there are some that are woefully inaccurate, but I do not believe that that is the norm.).

70 Name: Citizen 2006-02-06 06:35 ID:HKawhQsg

I'd say Japan has a racial problem, but it's no more then that of some other nations (France comes to mind.) It's buttressed by the linguistic difficulties and the culture tendency towards cliquishness sort of compounds the problems.
That said you can't expect to undue centuries of isolationism in just a few decades.

71 Name: Citizen 2006-02-11 16:26 ID:4yEXJRAW

I can't even believe that someone made such a thread. US and Japan is like a single entity on economic level. They rule the world.

72 Name: Citizen 2006-02-11 18:34 ID:iyGKIME/


Just to point out that in the event of a hostile invasion against Japan the US would more than likely be expelled from the UN immediately, thus making the US's influence a moot point. The UN would then launch a massive definsive operation to aid Japan in driving off the evil yankees. Whether the UN would go as far as to invade and bring the US to justice however is another story.

73 Name: Citizen 2006-02-11 18:45 ID:8hCw6bqO


further than that, though nobody wants to admit it, japan has the US by the whebos.

allow me to elaborate:
japan is the only nation currently capable of producing the chips necessary for the US defense department in sufficient quantities. these chips drive guidance, control, and targetting systems for our latest fighters, missiles, and weapons systems.

To destroy relations with japan is to destroy themselves.

74 Name: Citizen 2006-02-11 19:21 ID:o1R2Wsaw

That's bullshit. That may be true currently, but it is really easy to ramp up manufacturing when you are talking about wars.

75 Name: Citizen 2006-02-11 21:03 ID:8hCw6bqO

it's not about ramping up manufacturing, we don't have the fabs capable of producing said chips, a retool would take too long and we would have fallen as a nation by then.

76 Name: Citizen 2006-02-12 01:20 ID:dg9gNXL0

It's not we are not capable. It's not economical for us to do it. We can make the alternative, even better chip. However, it will cost a lot of money. We already have power to use alternative energy for gasoline. We don't do it because gasoline is still cheaper.

By the way, living in Japan is not as easy as in US. In US, you are restrict to display prejudices against other individuals. If you do, there are always some people will stand up for them. In Japan, it's different. If someone gets bullied, the rest of the society will not help. They may even join the bullying. They considered as social norm. They punish minorities who are not homogenous. For the foreigners, it's worse. You will never blend with them. Some Asians lived in Japan hide their identities and got rid off their accent. So, they would have less troubles living the society.

77 Name: Citizen 2006-02-12 03:37 ID:/75apM7X

Even if this were true, a situation where Japan stops selling expensive military equipment to the US would either involve a nuclear exhange or a lengthy souring of diplomatic relations and attempts by the US (world's 85 year running economic superpower and originator of microsoft, IBM and apple) to produce their own military microchips.

78 Name: Citizen 2006-02-12 03:48 ID:8hCw6bqO

wooo gung ho! I'm american and used to have great pride in my nation, but I have come to terms with the fact we are on economic (and with that eventually military) decline, and i'm not upset about it anymore because the majority of my fellow citizens have shown their true colors as gullible morons for the past 6 years.

I'm just biding my time, waiting for the right moment to jump ship before it slips beneath the waves taking the worthless vermin which typpify its citizenry with them.

79 Name: Citizen 2006-02-12 04:51 ID:o1R2Wsaw

If America was going to attack Japan, there would be all of the time in the world to make anything we needed to. Not to mention we have a HUGE supply of missles and shit already and they aren't going to suddenly just stop working.

Also, wars are almost always great for the economies of industrialized nations.

80 Name: Citizen 2006-02-27 21:05 ID:cgNysuQT

i think there are stories like silent operation (where the sub called yamato appears...yamato has a special meaning) because japanese want to have power to intimidate neighbors. they don't want to make any "unfair" treaties because of lack of power. they want to force other nations to make an "unfair" treaties for japan's favor.

this thought is from the radical extreme groups, of course; i really hope that this isn't the case for the most of japanese.


"Weatherman Claims Japanese Mafia Behind Hurricane Katrina"

similar thing happened in japan after the great earthquake of kanto in 1923. japanese authorities encouraged false rumors & murdered thousands of innocent koreans.

since when the empire of japan was in power to be important at all?

equality had not existed in japan until meiji yusin; before that time (especially during bakkuhan) upper classes could kill any commoners without reason & would not be held for any responsibility.

during WWII, it is known that japan used chinese/koreans as a slave workers & china/korea claim that japan used chinese/korean women as sex slaves for soilders even though japan disputes it. at least, u.s. worked out the slave problems for the sake of humanity.

where was/is the humanity in japan?

>>53 if you agree that the empire was in power during WWII, he was as bad as hitler, but unforunately, he wasn't in complete power, then who was the fucker drove japanese to commit such war crimes?

whoever wrote >>62 is the kind of person who brings shame to japan. perhaps you should see psychiatrist for schizophrenia.
btw, most zainichi are not illegal brought by japanese during WWII, so deal with them.

generally speaking (i know because i lived in japan for four years), wersterners are viewed favorably; however, there are certain races not welcomed by japanese. one good example is zainichi; many of zainichi try to hide their identity by changing their legal family name to one of japanese; guess why.

probably the most famous zainichi is masayoshi son, ceo of softbank. his father also changed his family name, but son changed that back; he felt there was no use because he was bullied in school for being korean; he was born in japan & speak perfect japanese if you are wondering.

i cannot quite understand why japanese hate koreans because i have not found during my far east studies back in my collage years.

81 Name: Citizen : 2006-03-03 22:04 ID:PBI3tETn

The Japanese seem to resent the United States as a nation, as well as the influence Americans have had in shaping the Japanese political system. People don't like to see old, traditional ways change, and that's true all across the world. If this is the case, I guess they shouldn't have bombed Pearl Harbor, huh?

82 Name: Citizen : 2006-03-07 14:17 ID:Heaven

>>81 is genius at regurgutating clichés he read somewhere on the internet!

83 Name: BoB!1nwzZLLvGY : 2006-03-07 23:22 ID:PBI3tETn

nigga plz

84 Name: Citizen : 2006-04-02 04:47 ID:lhA+Eywh

in reference to slaves, might i remind you of the practically 100% japanese population in Japan. Where as in AMerica, it isnt so pure.

85 Name: Citizen : 2006-04-15 17:29 ID:CIsJIyXX

America taking over Japan ?
I think because some Japanese are affected by Tom clacy and some military novelize
I do not understand why them to shout hysterically
"JAP as threat"
This insistance is completely nonsense.
Even beby can understand it.

America has 12000 nuclear weapons,Stealth bomber and fighters and Nuclear Air craft carriers and Nuclear submarines and 10 times military expense as Japanese(American military expense is half of world total) and General trigger happy
and etc etc etc...
I can,t find any reason why they regard japan as threat to US.
If people follow them, military expense will literally become sky-rocketing as President Eisenhower worried
・・・・or already?

86 Name: Citizen : 2006-04-19 02:23 ID:br29xhK/

Military invasion is so's out of style and comparing military might is so cold war era, get with the times its all cultural and economics now.

The realism in US phisically taking over Japan is about as real as Democracy in Singapore, for the near furute anyway

87 Name: Citizen : 2006-04-21 03:39 ID:Heaven

        Shitty thread Wasshoi!!
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