Zeitgeist (36)

16 Name: INFORMED Citizen : 2007-09-30 02:11 ID:KT8Sg7yl

"Acharya S. is a hack that pretends to be a scholar. No serious scholar takes her work seriously for a reason but of course she denies this BECAUSE IT IS ALL A MASSIVE CONSPIRACY TO OPPRESS THE TRUTH MIRITE?"

You don't know anything about Acharya's work, obviously, which makes you a liar.

If you want to become educated to the subjects you pretend to know something about, then you'll actually have to READ her books, eh, liar?

Start with "<a href="http://www.truthbeknown.com/sunsofgod.htm">Suns of God</a>" - but I doubt you'll have the brains needed to get through it.

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