Libertarianism in the UK (13)

10 Name: Citizen : 2009-07-22 00:10 ID:qu2JZUwP

Freedom of speech never is bad. But libertarianism is more than legalizing drugs and stuff, it's also completely liberating the economy. This does not work well together as either big corporations or cruel dictators will take over sooner or later, which results in less freedom. History confirms that - just look at Chile, Argentinia, Indonesia…

11 Name: Citizen : 2009-11-05 18:42 ID:DyGwh60k

Actually if you look towards history, you'll find that dictators took over because of rampant inflation of the economy by way of central banking. Remember the German economy was quite unstable after World War I because of over regulation. Rampant inflation occurred, and thus the political climate became chaotic as well. This paved the way for the Nazi regime to flourish.

As for corporations, big government breeds big corporations. Because if we had a government that actually stayed within its constitutional bounds and remained small, these monopolies wouldn't last very long because of competition and/or monopoly break up.

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